Last Picture of You

“The ‘send-off’ communicates a lot  about life; what life means to us, what we want, need and how we would like  to be remembered.”

Tina Carroll

I would still like to have a cast made of me as a mermaid

Although I would still like to have a cast made of me as a mermaid with long wild red hair, and catapulted out to sea where Octopus and Cuttlefish reside, reality has not moved into the financial direction for this to become a likely-hood.

Photo of Tina

Therefore the alternative that would also make me happy goes something like this… Materials: A collection of used cardboard boxes, gaffa tape, some non-toxic paints, pens and pencils and a big red sheet.I have the king-size red sheet to be wrapped in; This reflects my politics.

Gaffa-tape the boxes together so that I can be easily placed inside (with some bits to absorb any remaining body fluids) I know gaffa-tape may not be so ‘eco’ but neither is the concrete that the buildings we live, work and play in are built on, so a bit of gaffa-tape won’t destroy the planet, and I love gaffa-tape! Paint, write, draw whatever on the box, or leave it Au Naturale, whichever, no matter.

Transport me on a trolly or roof-rack, hire a minibus; any way other than funeral cars. Place me in a small plot of land and plant a tree in the soil above me. That way I will still go back to the food chain and be of some use to the life I have been so lucky to be part of.

Tina by Arti a big Tina Birthday 31st March

I love being alive, and although it has come with great pain, misery and so much loss and struggle, I have witnessed the beauty and amazement of what life is, and the people it has brought my way; the love and happiness that has filled my heart and the wild imagining of a living, endlessness brilliant mind, all wrapped up in a body that has vehicled me around, allowed me spectacular sensations to learn and express my loves and passions, to accept the love of others, to show my affections and so much more.

Peggy, Tina’s Mum

In the complexity of our lives we are never just one thing, we are never just one feeling, never just one thought, never just one personality, never just one reaction and never feeling just one love or passion. We are both our nature and our nurture, we reflect the influences and experiences which are uniquely ours. And we often overlook the impact we ourselves have on others. Driven by our own emotions we can fail to notice the feelings of those we may affect. Our fears and insecurities blind us to our potential and the possibilities that could be ours and cause us to reverse from the opportunities that might come our way.

Left to Right – Tina, Carl and Arti in Liverpool by Lisa

However, I Look upon the skies, watch the sunsets the trees, flowers, mountains, rivers and seas. I experience the art we create. look upon those I like and love. I completely love being alive and being part of this unique incredible planet.

Jack, Tina’s son, on the beach Croatia by Arti

Above everything is the wonder and beauty of being the mum of my truly inspiring and fascinating son, who’s love I cherish and is the very heart of me.